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MSSQL Azure managed

There is a database gateway exposed on the common MSSQL port 1433, but when a connection is made, the connection is redirected to another server on port 1000X

Configuration review

Retrieve server options

To retrieve server options, use the following SQLcommand

SELECT * FROM sys.configurations

It will display the status of options such as xp_cmd_shell or sp_execute_external_script

Transparent data encryption

It is possible to set transparent data encryption. To verify if data encryption is used :

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.dm_database_encryption_keys

To enable data encryption on a specific database:


Encrypted connections

Use the following SQL request to check the encryption status of the SQL connections

SELECT encrypt_option FROM sys.dm_exec_connections

Activate options


EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 ; 
EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1  


EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 ; 
EXECUTE sp_configure 'external scripts enabled', 1;

Ole automation procedures

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures', 1;

Run external script

On Azure MSSQL it is possible to run external Python or R script with the following command :

EXEC sp_execute_external_script @language = N'R',
@script = N'data.frame(print(system("cmd.exe /C whoami", intern=T)))'

Or, with a python script :

EXECUTE sp_configure 'external scripts enabled', 1;
EXEC sp_execute_external_script @language = N'Python' , @script = N'import subprocess;
cmd = ["whoami","ipconfig"];
a = "";
for c in cmd:
    a += subprocess.check_output(c.split(" "), shell=True).decode()+"\r\n";
a = [elt for elt in a.split("\r\n") if a.strip() != ""];
a = "\n".join(a);

File system

Enumerate the files

SELECT * FROM sys.dm_os_enumerate_filesystem('C:\', '*');

Read file content


Auto audit

This script can be used to auto asset the security level of the database.

I never test it myself

Retrieve role information

Security Audit Report

  1. List all access provisioned to a SQL user or Windows user/group directly
  2. List all access provisioned to a SQL user or Windows user/group through a database or application role
  3. List all access provisioned to the public role

Columns Returned:

  • UserType: Value will be either SQL User, Windows User, or Windows Group. This reflects the type of user/group defined for the SQL Server account.
  • DatabaseUserName: Name of the associated user as defined in the database user account. The database user may not be the same as the server user.
  • LoginName: SQL or Windows/Active Directory user account. This could also be an Active Directory group.
  • Role: The role name. This will be null if the associated permissions to the object are defined at directly on the user account, otherwise this will be the name of the role that the user is a member of.
  • PermissionType: Type of permissions the user/role has on an object. Examples could include CONNECT, EXECUTE, SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, ALTER, CONTROL, TAKE OWNERSHIP, VIEW,DEFINITION, etc. This value may not be populated for all roles. Some built in roles have implicit permission definitions.
  • PermissionState : Reflects the state of the permission type, examples could include GRANT, DENY, etc. This value may not be populated for all roles. Some built in roles have implicit permission definitions.
  • ObjectType : Type of object the user/role is assigned permissions on. Examples could include USER_TABLE, SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION, SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION, SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE, VIEW, etc. This value may not be populated for all roles. Some built in roles have implicit permission definitions.
  • Schema : Name of the schema the object is in.
  • ObjectName : Name of the object that the user/role is assigned permissions on. This value may not be populated for all roles. Some built in roles have implicit permission definitions.
  • ColumnName: Name of the column of the object that the user/role is assigned permissions on. This value is only populated if the object is a table, view or a table value function. ```SQL --1) List all access provisioned to a SQL user or Windows user/group directly SELECT [UserType] = CASE princ.[type]
                      WHEN 'S' THEN 'SQL User'
                      WHEN 'U' THEN 'Windows User'
                      WHEN 'G' THEN 'Windows Group'
    [DatabaseUserName] = princ.[name], [LoginName] = ulogin.[name], [Role] = NULL, [PermissionType] = perm.[permission_name], [PermissionState] = perm.[state_desc], [ObjectType] = CASE perm.[class]
                      WHEN 1 THEN obj.[type_desc]        -- Schema-contained objects
                      ELSE perm.[class_desc]             -- Higher-level objects
    [Schema] = objschem.[name], [ObjectName] = CASE perm.[class]
                      WHEN 3 THEN permschem.[name]       -- Schemas
                      WHEN 4 THEN imp.[name]             -- Impersonations
                      ELSE OBJECT_NAME(perm.[major_id])  -- General objects
    [ColumnName] = col.[name] FROM --Database user sys.database_principals AS princ --Login accounts LEFT JOIN sys.server_principals AS ulogin ON ulogin.[sid] = princ.[sid] --Permissions LEFT JOIN sys.database_permissions AS perm ON perm.[grantee_principal_id] = princ.[principal_id] LEFT JOIN sys.schemas AS permschem ON permschem.[schema_id] = perm.[major_id] LEFT JOIN sys.objects AS obj ON obj.[object_id] = perm.[major_id] LEFT JOIN sys.schemas AS objschem ON objschem.[schema_id] = obj.[schema_id] --Table columns LEFT JOIN sys.columns AS col ON col.[object_id] = perm.[major_id]
                                                      AND col.[column_id] = perm.[minor_id]
    --Impersonations LEFT JOIN sys.database_principals AS imp ON imp.[principal_id] = perm.[major_id] WHERE princ.[type] IN ('S','U','G') -- No need for these system accounts AND princ.[name] NOT IN ('sys', 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA')


--2) List all access provisioned to a SQL user or Windows user/group through a database or application role SELECT [UserType] = CASE membprinc.[type] WHEN 'S' THEN 'SQL User' WHEN 'U' THEN 'Windows User' WHEN 'G' THEN 'Windows Group' END, [DatabaseUserName] = membprinc.[name], [LoginName] = ulogin.[name], [Role] = roleprinc.[name], [PermissionType] = perm.[permission_name], [PermissionState] = perm.[state_desc], [ObjectType] = CASE perm.[class] WHEN 1 THEN obj.[type_desc] -- Schema-contained objects ELSE perm.[class_desc] -- Higher-level objects END, [Schema] = objschem.[name], [ObjectName] = CASE perm.[class] WHEN 3 THEN permschem.[name] -- Schemas WHEN 4 THEN imp.[name] -- Impersonations ELSE OBJECT_NAME(perm.[major_id]) -- General objects END, [ColumnName] = col.[name] FROM --Role/member associations sys.database_role_members AS members --Roles JOIN sys.database_principals AS roleprinc ON roleprinc.[principal_id] = members.[role_principal_id] --Role members (database users) JOIN sys.database_principals AS membprinc ON membprinc.[principal_id] = members.[member_principal_id] --Login accounts LEFT JOIN sys.server_principals AS ulogin ON ulogin.[sid] = membprinc.[sid] --Permissions LEFT JOIN sys.database_permissions AS perm ON perm.[grantee_principal_id] = roleprinc.[principal_id] LEFT JOIN sys.schemas AS permschem ON permschem.[schema_id] = perm.[major_id] LEFT JOIN sys.objects AS obj ON obj.[object_id] = perm.[major_id] LEFT JOIN sys.schemas AS objschem ON objschem.[schema_id] = obj.[schema_id] --Table columns LEFT JOIN sys.columns AS col ON col.[object_id] = perm.[major_id] AND col.[column_id] = perm.[minor_id] --Impersonations LEFT JOIN sys.database_principals AS imp ON imp.[principal_id] = perm.[major_id] WHERE membprinc.[type] IN ('S','U','G') -- No need for these system accounts AND membprinc.[name] NOT IN ('sys', 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA')


--3) List all access provisioned to the public role, which everyone gets by default SELECT [UserType] = '{All Users}', [DatabaseUserName] = '{All Users}', [LoginName] = '{All Users}', [Role] = roleprinc.[name], [PermissionType] = perm.[permission_name], [PermissionState] = perm.[state_desc], [ObjectType] = CASE perm.[class] WHEN 1 THEN obj.[type_desc] -- Schema-contained objects ELSE perm.[class_desc] -- Higher-level objects END, [Schema] = objschem.[name], [ObjectName] = CASE perm.[class] WHEN 3 THEN permschem.[name] -- Schemas WHEN 4 THEN imp.[name] -- Impersonations ELSE OBJECT_NAME(perm.[major_id]) -- General objects END, [ColumnName] = col.[name] FROM --Roles sys.database_principals AS roleprinc --Role permissions LEFT JOIN sys.database_permissions AS perm ON perm.[grantee_principal_id] = roleprinc.[principal_id] LEFT JOIN sys.schemas AS permschem ON permschem.[schema_id] = perm.[major_id] --All objects JOIN sys.objects AS obj ON obj.[object_id] = perm.[major_id] LEFT JOIN sys.schemas AS objschem ON objschem.[schema_id] = obj.[schema_id] --Table columns LEFT JOIN sys.columns AS col ON col.[object_id] = perm.[major_id] AND col.[column_id] = perm.[minor_id] --Impersonations LEFT JOIN sys.database_principals AS imp ON imp.[principal_id] = perm.[major_id] WHERE roleprinc.[type] = 'R' AND roleprinc.[name] = 'public' AND obj.[is_ms_shipped] = 0

ORDER BY [UserType], [DatabaseUserName], [LoginName], [Role], [Schema], [ObjectName], [ColumnName], [PermissionType], [PermissionState], [ObjectType] ```


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