


Hooks detections

Trendmicro seems to use several hooks to perform userland detection. The following hooks has been detected :

[+] 0x00007FF84DA00000 : ntdll.dll (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll)
        [+] LdrLoadDll
        [+] LdrUnloadDll
        [+] NtCreateMutant
        [+] NtCreateThread
        [+] NtCreateThreadEx
        [+] NtDeviceIoControlFile
        [+] NtDuplicateToken
        [+] NtLoadDriver
        [+] NtMapViewOfSection
        [+] NtProtectVirtualMemory
        [+] NtQueueApcThread
        [+] NtReadVirtualMemory
        [+] NtSetContextThread
        [+] NtSetInformationThread
        [+] NtTerminateProcess
        [+] NtWriteVirtualMemory
[+] 0x00007FF84D670000 : KERNEL32.DLL (C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL)
        [+] CopyFileA
        [+] CopyFileExA
        [+] CreateRemoteThread
        [+] CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
        [+] MoveFileA
        [+] MoveFileExA
        [+] MoveFileW
        [+] MoveFileWithProgressA
[+] 0x00007FF84A620000 : KERNELBASE.dll (C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll)
        [+] CopyFileExW
        [+] CopyFileW
        [+] CreateProcessInternalA
        [+] CreateProcessInternalW
        [+] CreateRemoteThreadEx
        [+] ImpersonateLoggedOnUser
        [+] MoveFileExW
        [+] MoveFileWithProgressW
        [+] VirtualAlloc
        [+] VirtualAllocEx
        [+] WriteProcessMemory
[+] 0x00007FF84D860000 : ADVAPI32.dll (C:\Windows\System32\ADVAPI32.dll)
        [+] CreateProcessWithTokenW
        [+] CreateRestrictedToken
        [+] CreateServiceA
        [+] CreateServiceW
        [+] EncryptFileW

The WriteProcessMemory and NtWriteVirtualMemory trigger an hard detection. The VirtualAlloc, VirtualAllocEx, CreateToolhelp32Snapshot and LdrLoadDll does not seem to trigger any detection.

During process creation, the following DLL are loaded in the process by TrendMicro:



For this function, the hook is located in the tmmon64.dll DLL file at the 0x21664 offset.

However, looking at this address in the DLL with IDA shows an empty function:

Empty Function

The function must be dynamically initialized. So let's directly debug it in IDA with a process debugged.


It is possible to easily bypass userland hook detection using the HardwareBreakpoint technique.


TrendMicro use specific ETW tracing sessions:

TmOwl-{1C95126E-7EEA-49A9-A3FE-A378B03DDB4D}+Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Client Trace   
TmOwl-{2F07E2EE-15DB-40F1-90EF-9D7BA282188A}+Microsoft-Windows-TCPIP Trace        
TmOwl-{1418EF04-B0B4-4623-BF7E-D74AB47BBDAA}+Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity Trace 
TmOwl-{DE7B24EA-73C8-4A09-985D-5BDADCFA9017}+Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler Trace
TmOwl-{43D1A55C-76D6-4F7E-995C-64C711E5CAFE}+Microsoft-Windows-WinINet Trace

It seems that it is possible to deactivate the ETW tracing session with the following command:

logman stop TMSYSEVT_ETW -ets

It is possible to do it programatically with the following C code line:

ULONG status = StopTraceW((TRACEHANDLE)NULL, L"TMSYSEVT_ETW", procmonTracingSession);


TrendMicro use the tbimdsa.sys driver.

It seems that the driver is using Windows Filter Driver capabilities:

Driver Filter

The filter is registered with the GUID {8A16B9CA-6C16-486e-8E32-DEBBBC5E8090} and the friendly name Trend Micro NDIS 6.0 Filter driver.

Cloud console

Endpoint alerts

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